It was a hard laugh. A cold laugh. The kind of laugh that savages the funny.
It pulls the funny outside. Stuffs it into the trunk of a '79 Chevy Impala.
Takes the funny for a ride.
It was a hard, joyless laugh. And it kept on coming.
"…something like the supervisor of an entire team of political agents…"
It was a hard laugh. A cold laugh. The kind of laugh that savages the funny.
It pulls the funny outside. Stuffs it into the trunk of a '79 Chevy Impala.
Takes the funny for a ride.
It was a hard, joyless laugh. And it kept on coming.
sounds like a dubwa laugh. a fake laugh, a laugh that hides pessimism and disdain and contempt, a laugh that squashes smiles and upsets pets.
“He will laugh thee to scorn.
—Old Testament, Ecclesiasticus xiii. 7.
“In bed we laugh, in bed we cry;
And, born in bed, in bed we die.
The near approach a bed may show
Of human bliss to human woe.”
—Isaac de Benserade (1612–1691)