Tonight in his sleep, Sam said:
“He wants a chocolate Gogurt
and to fight bad guys.”
He said it a couple of times.
Always like that — in the third-person.
And then he fell back asleep.
And I say:
Enemies of evil!
Gogurt people!
International chocolate conspiracy!
You own part of my child’s brain.
let me be the first to say, i’m liking this one. also, gogurt ROCKS.
Chocolate is not a conspiracy, it’s a necessity. Gogurt is merely chocolate’s latest prophet.
But remind Sam that fighting bad guys also requires Froot by the Foot, not just Gogurt. As in all things: balance.
yet another evil milk product turns the head of innocent children. no more milk! you can fight bad guys with soy! say yes to soygurt. evil has a face and it dairy agribusiness.
“Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk.”
—Henry David Thoreau
“My illness is due to my doctor’s insistence that I drink milk, a whitish fluid they force down helpless babies.”
W. C. Fields
Milk is chilling, Gizmos illing, what more can i say we’re top billing
milk is killing, got the wrong billing, monstrously filling, like a ‘coalition of the willing’