Dropping off my daughter on the first day of school

The hallways smell like paper and scissors and elmer's glue
and parents
roaming around
inspecting the tile
quietly comparing notes
amid sneaker skid
This is America.
We come here from different countries, from different cultures. 
We speak different languages.
But there are two words we all understand.
And those words are:
"multipurpose room."

2 thoughts on “Dropping off my daughter on the first day of school”

  1. is it strange for your children to begin experiencing life-age events that you can recall from similar experiences?
    strangely reminded me of the movie, ‘fifth element,’ where the supreme being keeps muttering ‘multipass.’ do the parents wander around like drones muttering ‘multipurpose.’
    “[Quoting Seneca] Cornelia kept her in talk till her children came from SCHOOL, “and these,” said she, “are my jewels.””
    —Robert Burton (1577–1640), Anatomy of Melancholy. Part iii. Sect. 2, Memb. 2, Subsect. 3.


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