
At every gas stop along the way, he pulls out trash with his wallet.
A scrunched up sheet of off-white paper
and a smaller one – a post-it.
Out, up for air and then he
bends over to close a hand on them
and pull them back up
off the shadow stained concrete where they fell.
He straightens himself out a bit.
He slaps his pants.
And then he pushes them back down.
Back down deep.
Into place.

2 thoughts on “trash”

  1. trash-overstuffed wallets and pockets prevent the next evolutionary step. this guy is on a path to oblivion. purge! you don’t need your blockbuster video card — just show your license for heaven’s sake.
    “I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them are TRASH.
    —Sigmund Freud
    geez, siggy, lighten up. satisfy an oral craving.

  2. For further info on the subject cross reference, and turn your page to: “Trash” New York Dolls, first album NEW YORK DOLLS.


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