All-American Me

I’m wearing big pants today
big comfy pants
size none of your damn business pants
so big, so comfy
makes me want to have a piece of cake
a piece of chocolate cheese cake
stretch these big pants out.

2 thoughts on “All-American Me”

  1. i notice a theme of returning to simpler, salt of the earth themes, an effort to regain equilibrium after the bitter political carnage of the times. big pants a good first step to rebalancing, and chocolate cake only helps.
    “Remember that nobody will ever get ahead of you as long as he is kicking you in the seat of the pants.”
    —Walter Winchell

  2. Buy any 6 inch Subway sub between today and doomsday and recieve a free belt and stretch mark remover. Limited time only, offer subject to terms and conditions based on loss of weight due to loose stool or denial of a seat on an airplane cause your pants and ass take up two. This offer cannot be combined with crack.


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