In my blue house

…by guest poet Shonny Vortex.
In my blue house
Everyone is I, I
Talking about themselves
In my blue house
Hearts bang on your head
With drum sticks
And stars twinkle
In the daytime
And fish swim into your mouth
So you can eat them
And flowers grow out
Of your head
And people have square heads
And people love squares
And a blue moon
Floats at nighttime
and a yellow moon
Floats at daytime
With the stars
A purple oval-shaped moon
Flies at daytime and nighttime.
And there’s a butterfly-shaped moon too.
May 18, 2003

4 thoughts on “In my blue house”

  1. shonny, you have shown that there are moons for all of us. even butterflies.
    this reminded me of the time my wife (living in DC)and i (working in Beijing) shared the same full moon, many miles away. the same blue moon.
    “How beautiful is night!
    A dewy freshness fills the silent air;
    No mist obscures; nor cloud, nor speck, nor stain,
    Breaks the serene of heaven:
    In full-orbed glory, yonder MOON divine
    Rolls through the dark BLUE depths;
    Beneath her steady ray
    The desert circle spreads
    Like the round ocean, girdled with the sky.
    How beautiful is night!”
    — Robert Southey, Thalaba


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