Old Dude Goes to a Show

Five minutes after the lights go down
I hear a familiar rustling two seats over.
Someone’s making things happen.
I’m a little stressed but not surprised
when a hand in the darkness offers
two white pills.
“No thanks,” I say, false cool, thinking:
“I am old dude.”
The hand withdraws.
A minute later, I ask:
“What was that? ‘E’? Ecstasy?”
And I nod a short,
tight nod,
as if that was my second guess.

2 thoughts on “Old Dude Goes to a Show”

  1. Altoids was invented in the 19th c. by Smith & Company, a London confectionery firm. On the contrary, Ecstasy was patented in 1913 by Merck supposedly to be sold as a diet pill. So, both related to sweets.
    yeah, i skipped Subway today and gorged at heart attack-inducing McDonalds…please pass the X.
    “Page one is a diet, page two is a chocolate cake. It’s a no-win situation.”
    — Kim Williams on women’s magazines


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