Shaq Diesel and Me

Last night I dreamt that Shaquille O’Neal dropped by my house. He had a lot on his mind and he was looking for a distraction — a chat, maybe a movie. I was happy to see him.
We talked for a bit, Shaq and me. Then California Representative Maxine Waters showed up, and she was even more beautiful in person. We were both really struck by her grace and her dignity, her almost shimmering presence.
After Representative Waters left, Shaq Diesel and I sat down to watch the movie Sideways. He really liked the part where the one guy lies about why he’s so late. And we both laughed at the scene with the alligator in the back of their car. That was crazy! It was a living alligator! But before too long, Shaq got up to go home.
It wasn’t that it was a bad movie, he told me. It was just a little bit boring, alligator and all. And he had a lot to do the next day.
Shaq’s a very busy guy.

4 thoughts on “Shaq Diesel and Me”

  1. i read somewhere that shaq wants to be a sheriff. shaq donned with cowboy boots, 42 gallon hat, and hip hugging six-shooters makes me smile and perhaps willing to break the law in his future territory.
    “I’m tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.”
    —Shaquille O’Neal, future Sheriff

  2. i dont think anyone can touch the man and the heat this year…….i believe he is committed to getting more titles …to show up Kobe


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