15 thoughts on “The Gravity’s Rainbow Deathmarch, Week 4, Chat thread”

  1. Actually, one can credit Krispy Kreme with the revival of the glazed old-fashioned, in terms of both status and popularity. In fact, it’s a bit of a faux pas to go to Krispy Kreme and NOT get the glazed. Only–dare I say it?—NINNIES get anything other than glazed at Krispy Kreme.
    Yeah, that’s right. I said it. Go ahead and ban me, Cecil, you fascist. I said “ninny.”

  2. Strong words from Uncle Eppy. Let me offer some strong words in rebuttal: unlike the glazed OF, Krispy Kreme is overrated. Everything tastes like glazing, not like donut. It’s the difference between eating a nice cookie and pouring straight sugar down your throat.

  3. So-called Jeff writes: “Yeah, that’s right. I said it. Go ahead and ban me, Cecil, you fascist. I said ‘ninny.'”
    Yes, but you said it in a chatty way, so by my own tyrannical rules, there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. Hoisted, I say hoisted by my own petard!

  4. cecil, i’d like to petition for a new and petard-free thread.
    (did you ever wonder about the petard? turns out a petard is a fart. second meaning, possibly more appropriate to your phrase, an explosive….)

  5. Ok. i’m officially behind on the deathmarch. I wonder how many of us aren’t going to admit it. I can still see the main pack, i’m going to have to run for a while. I hope I don’t get shot, although I probably have the same chance to get hit by a missle.

  6. I’m dropping out of the deathmarch, everyone continue at your own pace. It is fine if you don’t finish, this was only an experiment. It’s fun posting as Cecil.

  7. attention deathmarchers:
    there is a sham cecil in our midst. he or she may try to get you to give him or her money. or possibly watch “According to Jim.” or even quit the deathmarch. threefold madness!
    stay frosty,

  8. I’m no ninny. But the only place you can get *cream* filled doughnuts–not custard, but real white cream–is KK, and so that is one of the things I eat there.
    And I don’t care if Jeff knows it. Ppppplllllltt!

  9. An idea: If many people are stuggling, we may want to consider making next week a “catchup week,” with no new page marker. Since this week’s reading ends at a natural breaking point, it would make sense.
    Of course, that would make it less of a deathmarch, and more of a long and somewhat arduous hike. Anyway, all you real and fake Cecils can discuss amongst yourselves.

  10. “An idea: If many people are stuggling, we may want to consider making next week a “catchup week,” with no new page marker. Since this week’s reading ends at a natural breaking point, it would make sense.”
    What do folks think of so-called Bill’s whacky idear?
    On the one hand, I like the notion of letting stragglers (like me) rejoin the group. On the other hand, it would kind of diminish the suffering aspect and there’s always the danger that folks would just take the week off and we’d lose a little forward momentum.
    Xian, Jeff, Zoro, Other Dan, other folks — any thoughts?

  11. I’m way far behind. I had a chance to go write, and I TOOK it. I could have read a better writer than myself and stayed with the pack, but I selfishly wasted it on myself. God, I feel so filthy. Where’s the steel merkin? I must punish myself.
    A catchup (ketchup catsup what’s up pussy cat?) week would be great. My vote goeth thusly! (waves hammer over head. Hits ear.)
    BTW I treated the girls to donuts at Colonial Donuts on Lakeshore. Excellent selection. They still make real donuts, not the salty crap KK turns out. If you’ve never had one of their glazed buttermilks, you’re missing a treat.

  12. “Xian, Jeff, Zoro, Other Dan, other folks — any thoughts?”
    Well, don’t count me no matter what. I’m only here for the comedy, and the….well, you know.
    I’m not likely to catch up any time this millenium. Or even get to page 100. I’ve collapsed on this here deathmarch, wheezing by the side of the road, desperately reaching out to you–as you continue shuffling along–to tell my ma I loved her.
    …and now back to my Pelacanos book…

  13. Wow – you guys are having so much more fun than the other list. I’m moving over here, and eating a donut whilst doing it (I’m still partial to the donuts of my youth – Dunkin’, that is). On another topic, I’d like to point out that when I checked this book out of the university library there were four or five books to the right of it about it, and I said to myself, “What qualities does C.V. possess that I’m still going to read this after seeing THAT.” (To that, I can only say, simply, “charm.”) And now something really gross has occurred in the book, and if you’ve read it, you know what I’m talking about. All this goes a long way in saying, CV, give us a week to catch-up, recover, and recall the names of our children, who are pure and innocent, not like this piece of filth. I’m going to need a week and a dozen chocolate/vanilla/strawberry cream-filled donuts, just like the one’s that Cliff Olshaker’s mom used to buy for our band rehearsals, to muster up the sugar high to get on with it.


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