6 thoughts on “The Gravity’s Rainbow Deathmarch, Week 7, Chat thread”

  1. Pynchon’s second appearance on The Simpsons was rerun this weekend, and one article about the Pynchon/Simpsons phenomenon pointed out that the last Time Pynchon was photographed was for his high school yearbook, in 1953:
    Apparently, he likes pizza and disliked hypocrites. So if he were a bread product, maybe he’d be pizza crust…or calzone crust…or are they the same thing?

  2. i’m no expert on the man, but it seems to me there should be an overlook on the GRDM where a marcher could pause and, if so inclined, raise a flask to hunter s. thompson.
    here’s a thought from him to consider in the light of the zone–
    “My concept of death for a long time was to come down that mountain road at a hundred and twenty and just keep going straight right there, burst out through the barrier and hang out above all that, and there I’d be sitting in the front seat, stark naked, with a case of whiskey next to me, and a case of dynamite in the trunk, honking the horn, and the lights on, and just sit there in space for an instant, a human bomb, and fall down into that mess of steel mills. It’d be a tremendous goddamn explosion. No pain. No one would get hurt. I’m pretty sure, unless they’ve changed the highway, that launching place is still there. As soon as I get home, I ought to take the drive just to check it out.”
    [LA Times 2.22.05]
    seems his will requests that his ashes be shot from a cannon. what a perfect wish.
    and parabolas and gravity everywhere.

  3. I was sorely tempted to talk about paranoia last week, in my feelings about Thompson. I hear it was suicide, but what a coup for Them to make it look like such. Sadly, with feeling.

  4. Hang on Mr. Heuser, we’re sending someone back to help you out. He’s got a copy of a Garfield book with him. It’s all going to be OK…..


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