Project “Fun-Time Challenge Project” Presents: Cauliflowermelonslide

Yesterday I exhorted folks to take this wee chordy piano piece I’d recorded (aka Cauliflower Melon) and mess around with it — add guitar, verb, drums, guitar, slice it up, and what have you.
Lo and behold, this morning — the very next damn day! — my old and excellent pal Bob Myren came through with the first remix. It’s a slice of slide guitar that, quite frankly, I ultra-dig. It’s amazing to me the difference in mood and atmosphere that slide guitar can make. All I’m saying is, when I die, I hope I come back as a sustained note played on a slide guitar. That’s all I’m saying.
If you’re taking the challenge, please feel free to screw around with this one, with the original, or with both. Then send whatcha got to I’ll keep posting them as they arrive.
Thanks! And enjoy…
Bob’s Remix: Cauliflowermelonslide
time: 48 seconds; specs: 1.1 MB
Press Play to play.

3 thoughts on “Project “Fun-Time Challenge Project” Presents: Cauliflowermelonslide”

  1. schweet! i’ve got some lame-ass things in the can with my ukes but i’d probably better tune up before i can lay down a sendable track.


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