Here’s a joke my four-year-old told us at dinner tonight. I enjoyed it and thought you might too:
Knock knock. Who's there? You know what's broccoli made of? You know what's broccoli made of who? Peas.
"…something like the supervisor of an entire team of political agents…"
Here’s a joke my four-year-old told us at dinner tonight. I enjoyed it and thought you might too:
Knock knock. Who's there? You know what's broccoli made of? You know what's broccoli made of who? Peas.
For some reason, I find this almost unbearably funny.
my son just turned one, and i eagerly await these gems. my sister (7 years my junior) loved making up knock-knock jokes when she was young, and it was great.
before my son was born, i self-righteously told my friends with children that i would enthusiastically serve vegetables as “dessert” to my son, ‘tricking’ him into liking veggies. that the problem was one of sequencing, and hence reward. after having had veggie baby food flung into my face, my plan seems less viable.
Who cannot relate to those knock knocks. They usually put a smile my face. I was googling for someone by the name of Michael J. Reed who had an emotional and inspiring poem about “knock knock.”, when I found your site.
Keep doing well