
What’s going on?
“What do you mean?”
All these cops. Why are all these cops all over the place?
They’ve been circling the coffee shop for the last hour.
“Hunh. Really?”
Haven’t you noticed? On motorcyles? Walking past with trained dogs? They seem tense. Don’t you think? Even the dogs seem tense.
“I don’t know.”
You do. I can see it — please — please tell me. What’s going on?
“OK, look. All I know is, the Pope is dead.”
He chewed his lower lip. She watched him chew.
“I saw it on TV. Alright?” He took his coffee and scooped up his change. “The Pope is dead. The Pope is dead and there are cops everywhere.” He turned toward the door. “You do the math.”

2 thoughts on “Saturday”

  1. i wish that gilda radner were still alive, to renew her Emily Litella character for a skit entitled, “New Coke,” in which she parodies the new pope by having misunderstood the news flash to mean, new coke. she would go on and on about how there are too many soft drinks, how they are bad for you anyway, how she drinks tea, wishes pepsi and coke and would stop fighting, and so on. and, after being corrected by tina fey, would utter those wonderful and beloved words, “NEVERMIND.”
    we miss you gilda.
    “Is there a rehab center for Coke drinkers? I drink six to eight cans a day.”
    —Carmen Electra
    yes, i too am surprised that carmen made it.


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