This poem is with stupid

We were so lucky
to be kids
right there
in the sticky sweet center of
the golden age
of t-shirts
Mall-store walls plastered to the sky
with receding rows of iron-ons --
too many to pick just five
And when one of my older brothers
wore that shirt that said:
"I'm so happy I could just shit."
  Well I was that happy too.

We were so lucky
to be kids
right there
in the sticky sweet center of
the golden age
of t-shirts.
Mall-store walls plastered to the sky
with receding rows of iron-ons —
too many to pick just five.
And when one of my older brothers
wore that shirt that said:
“I’m so happy I could just shit,”
Well I was that happy too.

5 thoughts on “This poem is with stupid”

  1. i’m curious–did he really wear it? did he have to hide it from your mom until he left the house? heady times indeed.
    but the real reason i’m writing is that i spied your stealth banner…and, yes, yes, please sign me up! i want my yearbook. with individual portraits and the most-likely-to-whatevers chosen by secret ballot. and grainy group shots of teams GRDM and PFDM followed by poorly scissored photo collages, plenty of those. and on the last day of the blog year (like a dog year only shorter or possibly longer), i hope everyone will sign mine.

  2. Not only could he wear it around the house with pride, I’m pretty sure my mom bought it for him. Those were wild times!

  3. hey, kos addressed my comment above–ok, not actually addressed it, but plucked it out of the air in a memish way. said he:
    “That’s three years in regular time. 15 years in Internet time. 21 years in dog time. And 478 years in blog time.”
    so i guess the CV yearbook will be coming out about every two days…challenging–but the yearbook club can handle it!

  4. This made me cry, seriously.
    And remember:
    “If you can’t Dazzle them with brillance baffle them with Bullshit”

  5. we bought my mom a t-shirt that proudly said,
    “When my memory goes, forget it.”
    and, she laughed and laughed, and we laughed with her, and she still owns it. t-shirts bring us together. i just bought one that says,
    meaning, it’s fun to be mental. come on, a beer for cleverness?
    “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
    —Albert Einstein
    albert, we love you.
    “Facts are stupid things.”
    —Ronald Reagan
    ron, don’t worry, W is living your proud legacy.


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