5 thoughts on “Ferry ride”

  1. ok, not a fan of poor grammar (doesn’t tire!), but i like the perpetual immigration idea. what do you feel you are constantly immigrating to? ever shifting national/cultural landscape, or is it more personal?
    “I was the son of an immigrant. I experienced bigotry, intolerance and prejudice, even as so many of you have. Instead of allowing these thing to embitter me, I took them as spurs to more strenuous effort.”
    —Andre Bernard Buruch
    good for you andre. just like the dems, except with bitterness.
    one last thing, of shore or off shore?

  2. Loved this last line, and the idea of “perpetual immigration” Itto comments on. I wonder how it would read if that final “as” were removed? i.e. “every day/I immigrate.” Or would that sound too haiku-y?

  3. next i want to hear the one about emigrating
    then the one about being chased by la migra
    the vernacular don’t bother me at all, tho’

  4. xian, you are NOT going to believe this, but MIGRA also stands for:
    michigan international gay rodeo association!
    michigan+international? is it a state chapter of IGRA? only the lariats know.
    how about that acronym double vision.


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