2 thoughts on “Poem”

  1. perhaps could have added more on the idyllic/nature side, and then undermined with broadband. didn’t build enough. that said, depressed by your connectivity need. what happened to a thoreau-esque return to walden? communing with nature and frollicking in the fields? wait, i have to run…i haven’t googled in an hour and i’m going through withdrawal.
    “Men have become the tools of their tools.”
    “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.”
    —Henry David Thoreau
    hank, you slay me.

  2. Broadband is never fine, always jammed, always re-cycling the modem and what not. And as far as the brook goes, well back in mid spring we had too much rainfall so the brook overflowed in the drainage well sysytem, we had to rout the gutters and drill french drains, you don’t want to know the cost, over $1500 without the plumbers charge, so we decided to go online, with the broadband that’s still slow as hell, cause I am not paying the full bill until they someone out to the house, anyway we went online and found a gorge comapny well drivers that will…


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