Not that you…

Not that you need me to say this
and anyways, who am I to say this
besides which, knowing you,
as I do
you’ve probably already done this
or else are getting geared up ya see
what I’m trying to say is:
please consider giving
what you can
to a charity to aid
Katrina refugees.
For example (and this is just one example): The Red Cross.

7 thoughts on “Not that you…”

    check out this article
    The Red cross is a corrupt org. like the Salvation army. With almost 600 milliion dollars in donatuons after 9/11 they distributed 150 million!! Find other ways to help, local food banks, but not the red cross. They steal the money and never give to the poor. Never have and never will.
    Plus this is the governments responsibility, that’s why we pay federal and state taxes, sales tax, property tax, so they can protect us and give us the basic needs, like water and food.
    Let’s face it this is a wake up a call to us all, the government is and has always been a sham! They will not take care of any of us but they will take our money and our lives for their power and corruption. What a turning point in American history, could not have come at a better time.

  2. I’m cool with not giving to the red cross — give to whoever you want that you think’ll help.
    But I do disagree with this part:
    “Plus this is the governments responsibility, that’s why we pay federal and state taxes, sales tax, property tax, so they can protect us and give us the basic needs, like water and food.
    Let’s face it this is a wake up a call to us all, the government is and has always been a sham! They will not take care of any of us but they will take our money and our lives for their power and corruption. What a turning point in American history, could not have come at a better time.”
    1. In time’s of real crisis, like this, I think anyone living in relative comfort should try to give above and beyond whatever they pay in taxes.
    2. More than a turning point, I think: what a horror show. I also think: what if this happened in NY? or in SF? What if you were flooded out and living in poison? Or me and my family? I would hope people in Michigan or Illinois would do what they could to help.
    Also, in addition to the red cross, had a link to America’s Second Harvest as another worthy Katrina charity:

  3. Also, that article you pointed to is for Katrina charity, just against The Red Cross. They close their article with:
    “Find a smaller trustworthy organization in the local area of New Orleans and make your donation to them.”
    That works for me too.

  4. Question: where does the money go? What does your money do? Buy water from poland springs? Shouldn’t they just donate the water, or give it as charity? What else could your money buy? Diapers from Pampers? How about the government giving breaks to corps to donate what is needed? Oh they do that anyway, all tax deductible contributions plus they get our money from donations. The government and big corps. will make a fortune off this.
    Just think about the trail of money? How can anything other then a massive plan or help from our big brother government possibly help?
    And why are we resisiting foreign help?
    The Frenh have offered troops and food, the Germans?
    Hmmmm…could ity be the ultimate scam? The government didn’t protect it’s people now is hitting the rest of us up for help? Too embarressed to get outside help so whatch the poor people die.
    Wake up.

  5. Plus, in my first response, I said to just stay away from the red cross. Also, every citizen that pays his taxes is contributing to this kind of diaster.
    Any money that you give will only buy the things that are already sitting, rotting, on the shelves of most the stores that are being looted. Why not let people take what they need? Is a cargo plane from red Cross with our middle class donations aboard going to provide anything that should not already be available in the Wal-Marts?
    Please, if you really want to help talk to your friends and family and neighbors about how irresponsible our government really is. Do something to make people aware that we are “really” being hoodwinked this time.
    Or go to New Orleans and help out, but please don’t give cash to people who will “Buy” relief items from corporations and then try to distribute them in the diaster zone. It is the scam of scams.

  6. wow, i can’t believe i missed an opportunity to blast the government.
    i’m late, but will say, that it’s disheartening that our government is barely better prepared and actioned than the extremely poor countries i worked with in s.e. asia. we’re a model democracy? urp.
    “One of the serious obstacles to the improvement of our race is indiscriminate charity.”
    —Andrew Carnegie
    but it’s easier said when your wealthy.


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