You, triumphing at last, flags wave

the elephants do their dance
and you know that it’s your time
how they’re dancing for you
how they’ve painted their names
how they’ve polished their pokey things
and you’re just sitting back and letting
the bump of their girth
flop you out of your
chair with each move
flop you out
onto the dance floor
and you’re thinking
I’m dancing
and it’s effortless.
Look at me.

3 thoughts on “You, triumphing at last, flags wave”

  1. That would not be a safety dance would it now?
    I like ‘dis one, ‘dis one I like number two, getting closer to that source of sources that stream of dreams and what may come…

  2. i rode an elephant in thailand, and watched one kick a soccer ball 30 yards. majestic animals and great at sports.
    “What is bigger than an elephant? But this also is become man’s plaything, and a spectacle at public solemnities; and it learns to skip, dance, and kneel.”
    — Plutarch
    …and eat peanuts for the crowds. repubs should be so useful…and entertaining.

  3. a new study shows that children who grow up with pets in the home have a reduced risk of developing common allergies.
    adopt a pet tolday, stop wheezing and sneezing tomorrow.
    i was born allergic to pets, which negated this anti-allergy paradigm for me, but it’s not too late for your chillins.
    “We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words.”
    —Anna Sewell, Black Beauty, 1877
    “I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven’t got the guts to bite people themselves.”
    —August Strindberg
    august, tell that to mike tyson.


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