Call the Water

Is it enough
to call the water
black to talk about
the swirls, the crack in
the floor of this Bay
That steams up
sleep evaporating
soaking into
a newspaper headline
till it has mighty heft
Is now a good time
to chalk it all up
this swirl and this crack
this slow-dripping heft 
to some sort of
vague, tectonic displacement?
Some foamy kerning surge?

1 thought on “Call the Water”

  1. You had me at “foamy kerning surge.” 🙂
    Loved those opening two lines–“call” kind of hangs there between meanings, like are you going to call to the water, or call it something, give it a name? And if you did call the water, what would you want to say to it?
    Off to look up “kerning”–keep ’em coming, c.v.!


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