They Might Be Having a Golden Age

If you love yourself even a little, check out — They Might Be Giants home on the web.
I have enjoyed this band for, like 19 years. Gack! After sort of burning out on them, I went to a recent show and I was shocked at how much fun I had. They opened with a sequence they call the “Venue Songs.” And man, I’m telling you, I was so thoroughly entertained by these tunes, I actually bought them. Shake before my love!
And now they’re posting free videos from this set, one per week, on their ever-lovin’ web site. Gack gack! So-called Cars fans (and you know who you are), don’t miss “Vancouver.” Is all I’m saying. Click through to the main site for lots more free goodness. It’s like all of a sudden they’re the Crazy Eddie of cerebral pop goof-rock vibrations.

1 thought on “They Might Be Having a Golden Age”

  1. You’re right about the Vancouver song. You Yes fans out there will enjoy the Dallas song. But the best might be the one about the Anaheim House of Blues.


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