Don Quixote Deathmarch Looms….

Just a quick heads-up for them what follow such things, that the Don Quixote Deathmarch is now officially looming on the horizon. The exact start date hasn’t been selected yet, but it’ll most likely be right around the beginning of March. Probably a Tuesday.
Me, I’ve got a little work to do before we kicking the DQDM off — like, finishing the last one (At Swim-Two-Birds), which I jumped back into yesterday. And ordering those dang Gravity’s Rainbow Deathmarch mugs! Must get mugs!
OK…watch this space for more news…..

11 thoughts on “Don Quixote Deathmarch Looms….”

  1. Thanks for the advance warning. I’ll start clearing out brain space. Some of that Warriors-related data really needs to go anyway.

  2. I’m torn…
    (1) Lesson learned from my freelancing days: No more deathmarches until I get my mug.
    (2) We have far too much stuff in our house.
    I’ll let you know which wins.

  3. Can we read the Cliffnotes version, and then be the most outspoken commentor on the march? Critical, and hogging the comments, becasue we think we are so smart and such a fast comprehensive reader? Can I, canI?

  4. Has there been any discussion as to what translation/edition of Don Quijote we will be using? I don’t have a preference, and I don’t want to start any posturing and harumphing before it’s absolutely necessary…
    Man I wish I had been there for the Gravity’s Rainbow Deathmarch. Now who will be my Sancho Panza as I try to tackle that windmill?

  5. Most of us will be using the new translation by Edith Grossman — (though I think some folks may be reading along with the copy they have onhand):
    Glad to have ya on the march!
    Have you read V yet by any chance? Gravity’s Rainbow is the only Pynchon I’ve tackled so far, and I’m sure we’ll give another one a go one of these days. V’s the one I have my eye on, though other folks have made a really good case for Mason Dixon.
    Don Quixote Deathmarch starts mid-March — exact date coming soon….


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