x-post: Brer Osama

So let’s see: Iran has a new democractically elected leader that, well, he’s not nice. Iraq is in the process of putting together a new government that’s likely to end up far more pro-Iran and pro-fundamentalism than the Bathists, and now Gaza and the West Bank have elected Hamas as their majority party.
I can just hear Brer Osama Bin Laden saying to Brer George W. Bush: “wow, if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s your democratic way of life. Please, Brer Mr. President, whatever you do, don’t throw me into that democracy patch.”
For more reactionary mutterings, click your Brer-self on over to Edgewise….

1 thought on “x-post: Brer Osama”

  1. Anybody think this reactive Congress may be as dangerous as our reactionary pres? See The Dubai Ports deal, and comprehensible but still stupid xenophobic response, another gift to Brer Osama.


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