You’ve got a spark

A girl lives in a castle, surrounded by enormous wealth. She is ignored by virtually everyone. Unbeknownst to her, she is also the source of all this wealth.
A woman she believes is her mother lives with her in the castle. This woman is very sad and still, quiet and pale.
The castle is run by a cold man with a ridiculous mustache.
Even though the girl is surrounded by great food, pastries aplenty, etc., she can sense something’s wrong with the situation. You can too. So you apply for a job as their chimney sweep. And you get it, because you’ve got a certain spark.
Every day, as soon as your work is done, you get to work cheering the girl up, bringing a little fun back to her life. Once you’ve gained her trust, you tell her the truth of the situation, which is this:
The girl’s parents died years ago. The woman she thinks is her mother is actually an employee of this corporation which has taken over their assets. All the money is really the child’s, and if she can only get herself to a certain vault, hidden deep within a set of far-off mountains, she can prove her identity (fitting her hand into a flexible, metallic machine designed to preserve the shape of the left hand as a child grows).
And so off she goes. Off you both go. And the adventures you have!

3 thoughts on “You’ve got a spark”

  1. I can never hear too much Fonzi.
    Speaking of which, I was watching Season One of Arrested Development the other day with my better half. And when Henry Winkler, as the family lawyer, looked in the mirror and then made that “why mess with perfection?” expression, comb in one hand, it was like the Beatles getting back together for 1.5 seconds.


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