
Am I the only one a bit put off by the panda craze that’s been sweeping the nation, what with everyone and their brother buying panda bears and then bringing them with them *everywhere*?
I mean, come on! I’m not saying pandas aren’t cute. I’m just saying, there’s a time and there’s a place. And when I go to the men’s room at a baseball game, the last thing I want to see is some rube in an “I heart pandas!” baby-t, hosing down his cotton-candy covered new-best-friend and looking at me like *I’m* the crazy one.

5 thoughts on “Pandas!”

  1. don’t misunderstand me — I don’t hate pandas. I less than three pandas! and I less than three panhandlers too.
    it’s just panda-handlers I can’t stand.
    It’s like “ALRIGHT. You own a PET PANDA. We GET IT.”

  2. You know, when I have those dreams about someone hosing down a cotton-candy-covered panda in the Coliseum men’s room, I have the common courtesy to keep them to myself.


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