The Don Quixote Deathmarch, 7th week stretch

Week 7, in which I’m quite lame and behind and largely off-web for various and sundry, but hoping to catch up and post the real thread shortly. Feel free to post toward mugnet on this placeholder. When I swap the real post in, the comments will remain……
Update: By popular demand (OK, two people, but still….) this is officially the 7th week stretch. A week for those behind to catch up and those caught up to get ahead. In terms of mugnet glory, comments are optional this week. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves 🙂 Next week, we dive back in with vigor!

12 thoughts on “The Don Quixote Deathmarch, 7th week stretch”

  1. Cecil: I think most of us are starting to get a bit behind–some more than others. Perhaps Week 7 should be a “Bye” week for everyone to rest up and catch up? Signed–chillin’ computila…….

  2. I’m back! And apparently I’ve been stricken by the curse as well even though I’m a smidge behind. I slipped on a wet bathroom floor and went careening into an antique sink/counter. Nice big shiner on my leg…

  3. Muchos Gracias, Cecil, for the R&R week (Read & Read). And RaptorMage, even marathoners need to stop to pee and drink gatorade.

  4. Thanks, Cecil, I needed a break. Some days I feel really good about being in chapter XXXII (3/4 inch) and on other days I look at the two inches left and heave a bit of a sigh. On an actual substantive note, what happened to the violence lately? No one has been threatened with being cleaved (cloven?) in two for quite some time.

  5. I just can’t help myself in noting the “as though torn from today’s headlines” relevance of DQ’s sleepwalking battle with the wineskins that he dreamed was a giant (p. 305-06). If he did this nowadays he would blame it on Ambien and check himself into rehab!

  6. Well, I’ve been reading this in the gym, and but I guess I’m not excercising enough. I’ll have to make this my bedtime book. I don’t anticipate catching up this week, but perhaps I’ll get a little closer. Still finding it hard to get excited, though.

  7. I’m highly tempted to take the option not to comment. It would feel like getting away with something. On the other hand, by commenting I’d be going that extra mile, maybe moving up in the mugnet line. I just can’t make up my mind.

  8. While we rest, a quick mention of how much I’m liking the Don’s recurring “Enchanter Defense.” Works in every situation, has an airtight internal logic if you accept its absurd premise–kind of like U.S. foreign policy transported to Renaissance Spain. 🙂


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