The myth of bone

Do you believe you have bone inside you?
Have you bought stock
in the scam that
you’re made of stone?
Why not skin? Solid through?
Why not dense-coiled hair
to prop your fading hips?
As if we have a pelvis inside us.
Tell me this: how did that stone
get in there? That stone called
And how come that stone isn’t worn
by time
to a pebble?

4 thoughts on “The myth of bone”

  1. Always one for scientific truth in potery (leading, I hope, to greater insight) most bone, when we’re young, is flexible, living tissue, constantly in molecular flux, like the rest of our body. It’s only when we get older that the graceful latticework loses calcium and cannot hold as well as it used to. Bird bone is beautiful and a maginificent mathematical poem. Archaeologists joke that bone is the hard part that breeds flesh to live temporarily in in order to make other hard parts.
    BTW, if you’ve ever seen bone stick out of somoene’s arm, you tend to beleive in it.


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