Coulton’s the creative cohort of John Hodgman (author of The Areas of My Expertise). He’s also borderline irresponsible. Best known for Flickr, a brilliant song/video written around images found on the image sharing site, Coulton’s been putting up a free song a week on his site for, well, a while.
Coulton’s music is a little bit folk-Randy Newman, a little bit TMBG. Sometimes it’s like Dan Fogelberg, only evil. As high quality, representative samples, may I recommend: Millionaire Girlfriend, Chiron Beta Prime, Soft-Rocked by Me, and Re: Your Brains. But really, there’s lots more than that. You can find a big mess of them here.
Probably worth noting that some of these tunes use potty words (specifically: “First of May”), and I haven’t yet played them all myself, so who the hell knows what’s out there…. But what I’ve played so far, I’m sort of stunned by. Four monkeys up!