A little wahoo

Shampoo was nice enough to publish/post one of my poems this week in Issue 28 (under my so-called “real name”). It’s an excellent issue, including a poem by Rodney Koeneke, one of my favorite living Americans. If ya get a chance, checkitout.
This little wahoo got me to add a Published category over on the left side o’ the screen. Nine pieces in there now, so that leaves literally hundreds of pieces still available for purchase at reasonable prices….

4 thoughts on “A little wahoo”

  1. Hey xian,
    Thanks! And to your question….
    ….you know, I was, but I’ve decided not to stay the course on that one. In fact, I never said I was for staying the course.
    “The Man” doesn’t seem to be too threatened by blogs. I’ve noticed a lotta writers have their published stuff up on their sites, and the editors I’ve asked said (rightly, I think) that blogging your own material isn’t the same as being published, and so it doesn’t count against ya when you submit.
    I’ve started including a line in my submission letters that says, essentially, “this material is previously unpublished aside from being workshopped on my blog,” figuring if they’d like me to take it down, they’ll tell me, and I will.


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