Criticizing Things I Know Nothing About: The Waldorf Schools

In which young students are prohibited from engaging in activities that move their lower bodies. That what? Yes, that move their lower bodies. Like soccer.
In which bass-heavy music is banned.
In which children are scolded for singing “Brick House” in school. And I’m not making that up.
I ask you, if the children don’t sing “Brick House,” who will sing “Brick House” in the 22nd Century? In the 24th Century? Do they really think Lionel Ritchie will live for ever? Ridiculous.
The Waldorf Schools: The world’s largest independent and nondenominational school system, founded by Rudolf Steiner back in 1919? Or an unnecessarily complex plot to deny future generations the pleasures of “Brick House”?
I say both.

4 thoughts on “Criticizing Things I Know Nothing About: The Waldorf Schools”

  1. at least Rudy defended Dreyfus, and Rudy gets kudos just for being attacked by Hitler. sure, Rudy founded anthroposophy (the spiritual world is accessible to pure thought through a path of self-development), but tell me you wouldn’t prefer anthroposophy over Fox news chatter. tell me.
    “A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.”
    —Rudolf Steiner

  2. That’s sort of like saying that because Hitler was a vegetarian, he wasn’t all.that.bad. (Do I get credit for killing the discourse by bringing up the “H” word?)
    What I mean to say is: of course there are some positive aspects to Waldorf education, and being an alumni parent of a couple of Waldorf schools I can tell you it’s also filled with pressure to conform, to believe in things that just can’t be seen or understood in any logical way, and punishment for children who don’t fit the Steiner mold.
    I say rock on, little Brick House babies. Kick the institution and be your own star.

  3. Waldorf schools are brought to you by the same people who brought you the Waldorf salad – an agglutinous mess of chopped apples, walnuts, mouldering raisins and mayonnaise.


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