She took too many pills or something
and nearly died
but the main thing I remember
is sitting down at their
kitchen table and her
telling us how at that critical moment
she saw the light and turned back.
I thought: “She seems sad.”
And: “I can’t believe a grownup is
telling me this and treating me
like I’m a grownup
when I’m not.”
On Halloween, she dressed me
up as a 50s kid and put my hair
in a DA with goop.
She told me that the look worked —
that I had a 50s face. And I
took that as a
Legends from My Childhood, #2, card art by eb.
He showed me pics of Chuck Norris
he was on the mat sparring
taking a beating
with him he swung
and hung until
his love of toy trains
had him open the
shack on route 35
I wanted to quit
after the yellow belt
didn’t know what to say
“ah, dojo master Mr. martin, Ray
I can’t afford it…”
The toy trains circled his
office on tracks on the wall
Choo! CHOO!
“Ok, that’s me and Chuck
at the Purina black belt….
would you care to trade
some trains for kicks?”
When i got to the parking lot
I sidekicked the dumpster…
I don’t compromise my skills
or my honor!! AYYY!
imp — beautiful! he can pluck those trains from your cold, dead hands.
As it happens, Legends #3, currently being illustrated by eb in her space-age card art lab somewhere north of Sacramento, is about a martial arts master as well. No trains tho. Coming soon….
this is more than retro fun and smart, it strikes chords of upcoming epic postings does it not?