Wouldja believe: Dyngus Day

I just learned something so wonderful, I felt compelled to use the world wide web to let people know about it. Were you aware that the Monday after Easter is a Polish holiday called “Dyngus Day”? It’s true! Dyngus Day! Pronouced “Dingus Day!” How cool is that?!
Dyngus Day involves boys and girls splashing and slapping each other with water and pussywillows. Here’s a translation of a fair-warning poem they sing, knocking on doors:

Smigus! Dyngus! All for fun, Dump some water with a smile! If not from a cup, then from a pitcher, Smigus-Dyngus starts at dawn! It’s an old Polish custom, just so you’ll know and not yell, when on the second day of Easter, your jacket’s all soaking wet.

And where, you’re probably wondering, is the Dyngus Day Capital of the USA? Not suprisingly, Polka Music Hall of Fame luminary Lenny Gomulka has an opinion on that:

“I have enjoyed the excitement of Dyngus Day in several cities and towns,” he says, “however, no where is this holiday celebrated unilaterally and dynamically as it is in Buffalo, New York.

See? I told you humans aren’t all that bad. How can you not love a species like this?

6 thoughts on “Wouldja believe: Dyngus Day”

  1. well I can say this as i am part Polish, the real day is supposed to be called “Mingus Day” in celebration of thelate great bass player Charles Mingus, huge in Poland, but somehow it got lost in translation and accordians.

  2. cecil vortex, your masterful mimicry of human speech forms is to be commended, but surely no one could mistake the otherworldly beauty of that poem for a human production.
    so in answer to your question, wouldja believe, i must say, no.
    now dump some water with a smile, vortex!

  3. I am sorry to say, but unfortunately Dyngus Day was not originated as “Mingus Day”. The traditions of Dyngus day go back hundreds and hundreds of years. South Bend, IN rivals Buffalo, NY in its celebrations

  4. Yeah you may be right about South Bend and it being full of political hacks, but for us real Polish people we love Dyngus day and not for the politicians. I love celebrating being Polish. We get to eat sausage, drink, and dance to Polka music. Not to mention here in South Bend it was not always about the politics. I did however check out the website for Dyngus day in Buffalo and I think me and my friends will be making a trip next year. I HAVE POLISH PRIDE!! AND LOVE MY HERITAGE!


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