2 thoughts on “Kids say the darndest things about modern art”

  1. Well, CV, I was at MOMA Friday, and I saw your kids today, and your kids are the thing that made me “blink ‘cuz I’m so amazed.”
    ‘Course, they are not as loud as the music at a MOMA reception (I know you don’t believe me but trust me). But otherwise, S. and S. are much more amazin’.

  2. Took my kids to MOMA. Amazed at how many security guards there have identical Moe haricuts. The kids had a hard time telling (some of) the art from the trash. Plus they’re used to interactive museums. You want to see a bunch of Moes go ballistic, watch them try to protect a red plastic square from being licked.
    Some is amazing. Some should be taken to the Reuse Depot for kids to turn it into real art.


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