Legends from My Childhood, #4

“They used to call me ‘Gentile Joe'” he said.
‘Cuz my name is ‘Joe Gentle.’ I loved the Jews. Oh sure.
I loved the Jews and the Jews loved me.”
Pulling out tinted photos of foxy showgirls from the ’30s.
“The ladies, the ladies. Oh sure.”
Stacked instruments
music stands and guitar picks
dirty music sheets for sale
dog at his feet and
three 17 year-olds he was
charming us now.
We loitered and listened to old stories
put across with a lewd twinkle just right.
“Here, have a patch cord,” he said when we moved to leave.
“Have a drum stick.” I still have that drum stick.
Legend Number 4
Legends from My Childhood, #4, card art by eb.

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