The Against the Day Deathmarch Dichotomy

For the past week I’ve been moving Cecil over to a new server. The work is pretty much done and we’re in that interesting limbo where there are actually two different Cecil site’s out there and the web is in the process of sorting out which one to go to. I’m told it can take up to three days to fully resolve, but I think it’ll be clearer as early as tomorrow night. So I’m going to hold off on posting and opening the new thread up to comments for one more day, in hopes that by tomorrow night, there will be one to rule them all.
By the way, in case you’re curious, if you got to this version of Cecil, you’re looking at the new site.

7 thoughts on “The Against the Day Deathmarch Dichotomy”

  1. Yep — I’m moving the current site over, not doing a redesign or anything whacky like that. The move is aimed mainly at having less downtime. (and taking less time from the nice folks who’ve been giving me a home for Cecil for the last 2 years)

  2. it looks the same, but it’s now a carbon-based life form. i’m looking forward to it taking its first steps. congrats cecil.

  3. 🙂 Hadn’t thought of that. On the other hand, this mighty server survived the Gravity’s Rainbow, Don Quixote, To the Lighthouse, Pale Fire, and At Swim Two Birth Deathmarches. Is there a human who made it through all four DMs? (I’ll admit, to my shame, that I didn’t make it through The To the Lighthouse DM.)

  4. Surely I’m not the only one?
    If so, I demand a magnetic mug that I can stick on my fridge so I always know where it is.


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