Now more than ever (age 39)

Now more than ever we could all really use
a yearbook photographer.
Whispering 'round the quad.
Snapping photos of us
and our respective pals
through the zoom lens of
a swank 35mm Canon (Christmas gift)
as we participate in various
Child-rearing, for example. Sock-matching.
These things that we do.
Afterhours they're hanging with the Editor.
Sipping diet soda, talking Duran Duran.
Nominating classmates for various awards.
Maybe you, even?
Best eyes?

2 thoughts on “Now more than ever (age 39)”

  1. and if that doesn’t come together, you could hire a private investigator to take shots–you getting your cart at the grocery store, giving up your bus seat, eating soup. (haha, remember that day the chowder was too hot? you’ll say as you leaf through the PI’s album.)
    the nominating–now that’s more tricky. maybe a summer intern?

  2. We already have yearbooks for adults–they’re called “People” and “Us.”
    As usual, the popular kids get all the ink.


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