6 thoughts on “Great expectations”

  1. Too bad “Kids Say the Darndest Things” isn’t on anymore–your kid could be the stars of that reality TV show!
    But your title made me think of what book is next on the Deathmarch! I know we’ll need a break, but…how about Bleak House, something else by Dickens, or one of the more obscure Shakespeare plays….

  2. clearly your daughter understands that accumulating billions of teeth only has one true purpose: empire building. it’s not like they can be bartered for dry wall, I beams and 2 by 4s.

  3. I’m thinking Anthony Hopkins. Could be a great Snicket-style kid’s movie–the sinister tooth fairy with a house made of teeth…

  4. i can see a senerio where tooth fairy develops an additional neurological abnormality and in lieu of leaving money in the place of a tooth under a pillow, skips to more nefarious intentions. obviously this fairy has a healthy obsession with teeth, to the point of giving money to small children. i’m sure it’s only a small step to skipping the token gift and just stealing teeth outright, agressivly extracting them. homes made from teeth, sneaking around in the middle of the night into little children’s rooms with pockets full of cash, something is wrong here.
    i’ve always pictured the tooth fairy as an older woman but how disturbing if it is a 60 year old man stuck in some sort of purgatory. well, maybe it’s a team of people ruled by some cultish, charasmatic demagogue.

  5. you know, having you as a dad, must be the greatest experience in the world. Just think about that everyone…Cecil as a dad just kicks ass….


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