Virtual LP: Accretion

Like a lot of kids, I grew up dreaming that one day I’d write a song about “accretion” (defined by Merriam-Webster’s as “increase by external addition or accumulation, as by adhesion of external parts or particles”).
No, I was told. No, that wouldn’t happen. Couldn’t happen. They didn’t say it shouldn’t happen. Or bloudn’t happen. But they might as well have.
Well guess what? Dreams really can come true. Assuming your dreams relate to writing a song about accretion. Take that, naysayers!
This latest addition to the Virtual LP features vocals, keys, ‘n drums. It’s partly influenced by my absolute favoritist record of the last few months — Harry Nilsson’s extraordinary Nilsson Sings Newman, from 1970. Holy cow does that record have fantastic harmonies. I can’t claim to match, but it did inspire me to close this track out with a few waa-oh’s and ooh la la’s.
Thanks for listening,
time: 1:44 seconds; specs: 1.6 mb
Press Play to play.

3 thoughts on “Virtual LP: Accretion”

  1. Not just accretion, but depletion too! You know a record label would force you to split those into separate songs. Glad you didn’t have to.
    Great stuff, Cecil! Beautiful harmonies….

  2. Nice! Love the vocals front ‘n’ center, and the mastery of that most elusive 21st century art: the programming of drum machines.
    That Virtual LP must be hitting the “full-length release” point soon, no? Look out, Coulton.


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