A reasonable law

We’ve run into lots of crazy laws here in Europe. For example, did you know it’s a crime to transport livestock in a Volkswagen Passat?
This is one law I agree with, however:
The locals here in Brugge tell me it means “Please don’t wear a derby hat and shovel coal onto my lawn.” Who can argue with that?

4 thoughts on “A reasonable law”

  1. You ignorant American. What this sign really means is “It is illegal on this spot to produce a caper film involving tunneling into a bank vault.” More and more parts of Europe are enacting such laws, and it’s a good thing, really.

  2. Used to be you could produce a caper film involving tunneling into a bank vault anywhere in Belgium, but what with the EU and all, let’s just say you’d be lucky to find four places where you could produce a caper film involving tunnneling into a bank vault in all of Flanders!
    Also, RK: I used to think you knew everything. Now I know, you know everything.

  3. far be it from me to up the anty (or increase the needed immaturity quotient), but,
    that’s not a a shovel.
    it’s symbolic.
    don’t screw with large coal producers. they’re well organized with huge lobbyists. huge.


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