“About-creativity.com, I choose you!”

Woke up this morning to find that some wonderful human being over at Yahoo had selected us as Yahoo Picks’ “Pick of the Day.” If you’ve discovered this site through that review, welcome!
The artist interviews to-date include: poets Kim Addonizio, Maggie Nelson, and Bob Holman, web innovator Ze Frank, musicians Jonathan Coulton and Van Dyke Parks, choreographer Natalie Marrone, authors Lemony Snicket and DyAnne DiSalvo, visual artists James Warren Perry and Tucker Nichols, clown and playwright Jeff Raz, standup comic and sitcom writer Howard Kremer, cartoonist Dan Piraro, columnist Jon Carroll, and screenwriter/director John August. Scroll down to peruse the interviews from most recent to least-most-recent.
You can also subscribe to future interviews — I’ll be posting a new one every week or two. Upcoming interviews include comic book creator (Mage/Grendel) Matt Wagner, musician Adrian Belew, and World of Warcraft storyteller Chris Metzen.
Thanks a lot for dropping by. If you get a chance, be sure to leave a comment to let us know what you think,

7 thoughts on ““About-creativity.com, I choose you!””

  1. Well, you’ve interviewed one of my favorite poets – Kim Addonizio and you’re about to interview one of my personal (ha!) favorite guitarists, Adrian Belew.
    Way to go!

  2. Congrats, Cecil! You’ve been toiling away on all this goodness for it seems like eons and the clicks are well-deserved.

  3. cec, and to think i knew you when false glimmers of parole were the only things halting the night sweats.
    お祝い (congratulations!)

  4. Hey, I just stumbled across this site while looking up screenwriter John August, and I wanted to say that I love this About Creativity series. Thanks for putting it out there!
    (Hopefully someday you’ll be interviewing me… ;P)

  5. Bob Holman is my favorite poet. M glad you took his interview. I have heard a lot about web innovator Ze Frank, n m looking forward to go through his interview.


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