Colmar, Harrison Ford, and me

As I mentioned a little earlier today, we’ve driven from Switzerland and the snow to sweltering France. Crossing over (with less than a wave from the border guards) we were struck by how much the countryside in this part of France looks like good ole Northern California.
For the last two nights we’ve been staying in Colmar — a lovely Alsacean city ribboned with canals. Here’s an entirely color-inaccurate shot of the “Little Venice” part of town:
As also mentioned earlier today, Colmar is the proud birthplace of Bartholdi, the creator of the Statue of Liberty. Three years ago, they produced a replica that happens to be a short stroll from our hotel.
Mini-Lady Liberty directing traffic.
After a day of canal rides, street wandering, and excellent, heart-imploding food (everyone tried the escargot, including the kids — if you haven’t had ’em, they’re basically a butter/garlic delivery system, a.k.a.: yum) we escaped the brutal heat by checking out Colmar’s Museum of Toys.
I’d always heard that celebrities were much more accommodating when you run into them abroad, and that was exactly what we found with Harrison Ford, who’s so incredibly nice, he’s apparently agreed to carry a name card with him at all times.
Harrison Ford: nice guy.
It was a fantastic museum, and I’m not just talking about the air conditioning, although let me just say: Wow. That was some well-conditioned air.
A few other highlights….
This monkey broke our heart:
Sad monkey.
These fellows didn’t actually know how to play their instruments, but they more than made up for it with attitude:
Rock and roll animals.
And I’m pretty sure I’ll be having nightmares about this guy for the rest of my life:
What is this creature and why does it haunt my dreams?

2 thoughts on “Colmar, Harrison Ford, and me”

  1. stupendous travelogue. btw, “[t]his marvellous collection of nearly two thousand toys included dolls, trains, wind-up toys, bears, cars and more, dating from the 19th century to today. It all belonged to Georges TRINCOT, the internationally renowned painter.” neat. go georges!


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