Here we go again…

I’ve been wondering lately how my kids will be affected by these times. How will it shape their view of politics and patriotism to go through their early years with an unpopular war, with a President so widely disliked and distrusted by people in both parties, one who seems to have, well, obvious contempt for the rule of law? What kind of people will an era like this breed?
Oh yeah, I realize. “A doi now,” as we used to say. It’s me. My gang. Folks born in the mid-to-late ’60s, with Vietnam and then Nixon on TV alongside Romper Room and the Electric Company. I guess, for better and/or for worse, times like these breed folks sort of like us.

5 thoughts on “Here we go again…”

  1. You mean another GenX? I would feel bad for GenY then…to be sandwiched between two jaded, cynical generations.

  2. i admire the optimism, but truly believe the adverse impacts and repercussions will pay more negative dividends, and reap exponentially greater cynicism. add to that usa decline in power relative to china/india, greater stratification between rich/poor (now the worst since 1920s), economic insanity of last 6 years, poorer health and education (we’re actually getting shorter, and of course heavier), and throw in environmental/ecological disasters. in the immortal words of monty python, “you were lucky.”
    what can i say?! it’s really hot and humid here in d.c. and i walk past the white house every day. both too much to bear.
    i’m available as a motivational speaker for bar/bat-mitzvahs and sweet sixteens.


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