At the airport today, the Aloha Airlines employees were wearing Hawaiian shirts and lovely flowers in their hair, all designed to send the message: “You’re already there.”
And I was struck by the idea that a flower in someone’s hair can be all it takes to lift your feet, to change the temperature, to shift your sense palette and drop you on the far side of a wearying journey,
And then later on, I’m waiting to go through security, and I’m looking around at some of the smiling folks, blissed out, and I thinking, “You bastards! You’re already there!”
Me, I’m off to Boston. Would it have been too much trouble for the JetBlue employees to sport Samuel Adams wigs?
But do you remember if they were wearing the flower hairclips on the left or right? There could be an explanation.
what do you picture for a virgin atlantic flight to the virgin islands? wink wink, nudge nudge.
do you have any photographs?
yes, i am 13 years old thank you.