Already there

At the airport today, the Aloha Airlines employees were wearing Hawaiian shirts and lovely flowers in their hair, all designed to send the message: “You’re already there.”
And I was struck by the idea that a flower in someone’s hair can be all it takes to lift your feet, to change the temperature, to shift your sense palette and drop you on the far side of a wearying journey,
And then later on, I’m waiting to go through security, and I’m looking around at some of the smiling folks, blissed out, and I thinking, “You bastards! You’re already there!”
Me, I’m off to Boston. Would it have been too much trouble for the JetBlue employees to sport Samuel Adams wigs?

2 thoughts on “Already there”

  1. what do you picture for a virgin atlantic flight to the virgin islands? wink wink, nudge nudge.
    do you have any photographs?
    yes, i am 13 years old thank you.


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