4 thoughts on “Today’s lunch-time conversation”

  1. there is a delicious cuban dish with chick peas and spinach, loads of garlic, slow cooked for a long time. try it.
    btw, ‘enjoy your happiness’ seemed redundant, unless you invoke the happy slave paradigm, in which case we’re not talking true happiness.

  2. Yes! It was that very redunticity that I so relished. And good advice, too, I thought. It’s easy to forget to do that. To enjoy your happiness.

  3. oh…. i thought the “enjoy your happiness” was said with bitterness, perhaps some sarcasm? i had a whole dark backstory rolling. bummer. hey, well, enjoy your happiness!

  4. this may not be the right forum, but how can you forget to enjoy your happiness? if you are happy, you are by definition enjoying it. perhaps you mean one should not forget to enjoy the life elements that c/should make one happy. don’t make me call our english teacher mr. shaw to confirm. i will, you know i will.


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