I have a few notes from our trip that didn’t make it into the heart of the travel log. I’ll be posting them here over the next few days because, quite frankly, these are important observations, too important for me to keep to myself.
For example, here’s one:
Is it possible that the wall of traffic we hit when we entered Luxembourg was part of a coordinated effort by Luxembourgians to give travelers the impression that Luxembourg is a really really big country (that is, one that takes a long time to drive across), when in fact it’s quite tiny?
Could it be that they’re under state orders to take to the road at 9 am and drive slowly until 5 pm before returning to their extremely tiny homes? I mean, is there any chance at all that this is exactly what’s going on?
Because, if so, that would be crazy.
fascinating theory, although i am forced, perhaps urged, no more like prodded, well now that i think about it, driven, or even sanctioned, yes, preordained, yes yes, divinely inspired to note that, luxembourg does not even rank in the top 18 of cars per 1,000 people by country, so it would be impossible for its people to give you that impression. italy is number one in that stat, so perhaps you were thinking of italy. or, perhaps the italians drove to luxembourg to give you that impression.