World Premiere: “Mankind’s Last Hope” Theme Song

Some of you already know that my pal Jeff Green and I co-wrote a post-apocalyptic workplace situation comedy called “Mankind’s Last Hope,” and that this sitcom is being staged in the SF Bay Area for two weekends starting October 26th. You may even know that tickets are literally on sale now. And that we’ll be filming this once-in-a-lifetime theater event before a live studio audience.
But what I seriously doubt that you know is that director Robert Lundy-Paine commissioned a theme song from his old pal, sometimes Stryper keyboardist Brent Jeffers, and this theme song is making its world debut right here on
But OK. Fine. I’ll stipulate that you knew that. Whatever.
Still, I’m pretty much certain you’ll be surprised to learn that said MLH theme song is arguably the greatest ear-related sensory experience in human history. And yet! That’s exactly what it arguably is!
So please, turn that dial on your speakers to the right. You may start rocking out….now.
time: 1:03 seconds; specs: 988K
Press Play to play.

9 thoughts on “World Premiere: “Mankind’s Last Hope” Theme Song”

  1. Isaiah 53:5, dude. CV, you never cease to amaze.
    For the record, I’m officially addicted. It’s the “Eye of the Tiger” for the post-apocalyptic workplace situation comedy set.

  2. This really is fabu! Nothing like excellent music to make a show professional. I just keep hoping, that like most sitcoms, they show a bunch of scenes from episode one and don’t change the opening shots until season two.

  3. i’ve never heard the word ‘enslaved’ sung with such hope, glee and verve. rapturous. brittany wishes she could cover this at the next music awards show.

  4. does everyone know the origin of jiggy, and how you tortured two innocent travel companions in northern italy?
    really, i’ts not about me. it’s about a wonderful woman who stood by you regardless. lord i hope the sit-com plays homage to her.


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