Holy Korlak! Friday’s sold out too!

So first Saturday, and now Friday are sold out in advance for our much plugged post-apocalyptic workplace situation comedy: Mankind’s Last Hope. That leaves one last show open — if you’re looking to go and don’t have tix, be sure to reserve your seats for the Sunday matinee asap….
This is our collective happening and it freaks us out.

2 thoughts on “Holy Korlak! Friday’s sold out too!”

  1. Boy, am I glad I didn’t do as I was told (call Cecil to reserve tix) and instead bought my Friday-nighters online.
    C YA!

  2. Actually, Charlie, that whole “call Cecil to reserve the tix thing” was a test. And you passed! You get the chocolate factory! You can move in tomorrow — Grandpa Joe too!
    (I’m over-sleepy, clearly.)


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