To Do Lists of the Dead

I’m borderline religious about To Do Lists. For example, when I go to bed, I often remind myself that while it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven, it’s easier for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for most individuals to complete three projects with overlapping deadlines on time, unless they have a To Do List to help them prioritize.
So I got to thinking about To Do Lists, and religions, and how some Mormons used to baptize people after they’d passed on. And I thought I could perform a similar service by creating To Do Lists for the dead.
Here’s what I have so far:
Richard Burton

  • Use EVP to star as lovable robot king in upcoming Pixar film.
  • Possess body of small dog and make it sing songs from Camelot.
  • Stop haunting Elizabeth Taylor’s underwear.

Richard Nixon

  • Get Facebook account.
  • Fill Teddy Kennedy’s shoes with ectoplasm.
  • Stop haunting Henry Kissinger’s underwear.

Got any you’d like to add?
update: a pal just pointed out that Dr. Katz had the exact same idea 7 years ago. Dang you Dr. Katz! Why are you always 7 years ahead of me with everything?!

6 thoughts on “To Do Lists of the Dead”

  1. Sigmund Freud
    -Supervise Dr. Melfi on more effective methods of ending therapy relationships
    -Leave joke about archetypes on Jung’s MySpace page
    -Stop haunting Dr. Phil’s underwear

  2. Veronica Vortex (aka my better half) was talking about doing one for Ken Lay. We figured to do #1 was “get Satan to stop calling me “‘Kenny boy’.”

  3. Janice Joplin
    -Posess Madonna’s body and sing a song by Nick Gravenites
    -Give Brittney Spears a spirited talk-to
    -Stop haunting Tom Waits’ underwear

  4. You don’t believe Ken Lay really died just before going to prison do you? Step 1: Find a hobo of approximately Ken’s height and build. Step 2: Verify the Swiss accts. are up to date. Step 3: Arrange for transportation to Paraguay in cash. I leave the rest to the class as an exercise.


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