Five things we learned writing “Mankind’s Last Hope”

Well, it was a pretty great experience watching the live version of Mankind’s Last Hope come together under the expert direction of Bob Lundy-Paine. Long journey too. I thought, before things fade too much, I’d take a few minutes to jot down some of the things we learned along the way. But first, for anyone not familiar with the tale, here’s a sketch of the trek:
Jeff and I started writing the script something like four years ago and came up with two episodes. We did a table read with friends, which was a blast, and then we put those scripts aside. Some six months later we saw a contest to write a new sitcom. We jumped at it, wrote a pilot, did another reading, sent the pilot in, didn’t win, took another break.
Then about two years ago, I met director Bob at a Blacksmith Cellars wine tasting. He and his wife Laura were two of the co-founders for a theater company called Virago. We ended up talking about Virago and an idea Jeff and I had, that it’d be great to stage a sitcom live. Fun chat. Then we drank more wine.

Six months later, Bob comes up to me at a school function (we have kids in the same school) and says, “Hey, you had that sitcom script right? We should do that thing. And film it too.” This was in May or June. Over the summer, I took the pilot and the best of those two early episodes and took a crack at making them (1) fit together and (2) work a little better for the stage (longer scenes, fewer sets). In the fall we did a reading with a number of Bob’s actor friends. It was a great night, and I learned a lot from hearing strangers jump into the script. So, more tweaking.
Bob had said from the beginning that we needed three episodes, with a complete story arc to make it full evening. I spent the next few months on that closer. We did a smaller reading, identified a bunch of things to keep working on, and the core of folks who were going to make this thing happen began tackling logistics.
Finally, in September, the scripts were ready to hand over, with the last tweaks made to episode three that morning based on great feedback I’d gotten from Bob earlier in the week. And of course, for most of the folks involved, the work really began then. They made a number of great adjustments and additions to the script, including some fantastic actions that really brought the characters and scenes to life. Bob had to figure out to pull together a show that was still much more complicated than I had ever realized. Five sets, twelve characters, 120 pages of script, and a choreographed song. Casting, costumes, lighting, sound, cameras. And then there it was — six shows.
So what did we learned? Well, we re-learned the old adage that people laugh more in a cold room than a hot one. So we opened those windows and we dropped cold water down from the ceiling right after the first act (think Flashdance, only with, like, ninety people starring as Jennifer Beals) and then we sent out a family of lightly cooled penguins to hug our audience members during intermission.
What else?…
1. Mebbe it’s OK to work on the same script for four years after all
There’s a truism in scriptwriting that you shouldn’t spend too much time polishing the same stone — write your script, get it read, make your tweaks, move on to the next script. And there’s a lot of wisdom to that. In five years time, you end up with a great big box of scripts and a lot of experience.
I started feeling guilty about working on the same script two years after we started, but then that unexpected twist — meeting Bob, staging the show — seemed to make it all OK. The real objective when Jeff and I started was to learn by doing. It turns out you can keep learning new things while working on the same project. (Of course, now we’re ready for something new….)
2. Better to start without a plan than to sit around waiting for a plan to show up
We wrote the script just to write the script. The idea of staging came along midway through. The chance meeting with Virago wasn’t even a glimmer back then. And the idea of filming it came from Bob. If we hadn’t written a few scripts first, Bob and I wouldn’t have had a show to talk about. No show-chat. No show. Speaking of which….
3. Blab about what you’re doing
Another side lesson here — we got excited enough about the script that we started talking about it to people. I’m generally a talkative fellow, but this project really taught me that you have to let people know what you’re working on. You never know when the next person you’re chatting with might have some great idea that matches well, and then off to the races ya go…..
4. Scripts want to be read out loud by strangers
This seems obvious, but boy, every time we had new people read MLH, it lead to major improvements. There’s just nothing better for roadtesting a script than having strangers become your characters.
5. Bet on other people
Jeff and I started writing together not knowing where it would go. Not knowing if we’d be able to write together even. Neither of us had written a script before. Bob was interested in directing without seeing any of our pages. We trusted Bob before we’d seen any of his productions. And of course, most of the cast signed on based on a premise and a handful of dialog they’d read during auditions. We even found a fantastic sound guy who none of us had met before over the Internets. Up with other people. Up with taking a chance.
OK, that’s enough for this Saturday morning. I’ll try to revisit this in a little bit, mebbe pull together a part II. Big thanks again to everyone who came out, and of course to the army of enormously talented folks who made the show possible. Fun ride, fun ride.

7 thoughts on “Five things we learned writing “Mankind’s Last Hope””

  1. Cecil,
    Great to read this–I’ve been hungry for a report on the shows. The amazing thing about this story to me is that you never just blew the dust off the script after all that time, took a quick peek, and said, “ah, it isn’t that great. What was I thinking?” Instead: pencils sharpened, edits made, material added. That’s really remarkable, and it’s probably one of the things that separates the wannabes from the pros. If it were my script, I’m pretty sure after that contest, I would have been tempted to shelve it and leave the script business altogether. Congrats that you didn’t. This was as inspiring to me as any of your Creativity interviews.

  2. We have a final weekend of shooting to go, which should be interesting, especially if we get to do a more traditional TV shoot. Reset stages, make sure spray goo goes where it’s supposed to, set cues are not as vital etc. I’m so looking forward to that.
    But after that is getting the word out & selling it, or at least the rights. I clipped an excellent article by Marshall Herskovitz, the TV producer of “Thirtysomething” & other shows, talking about the current landscape of TV producing, and creating a new show “Quarterlife” for the web. I’ll get it to you. SciFi fans are always looking for new things to worship, and with a push this show could be it.
    I’ve certainly learned a lot being involved with the show, and I want to say thanks (again) for letting me participate. Is there a point where the end will be trimmed off EP3, leaving it open again for writers to add more episodes? I think it’d be worth it to get some more ideas in the can. And how about a show bible?

  3. Thanks to you, Cap’n — fantastic job all around. And don’t get me started about those alien grub creatures!
    Good question re ep3. I was actually talking about that last night with So-Called-Bill.
    The end of ep3 was really supposed to be the end of season 1, but Bob wisely suggested that the whole night get a clean wrap up.
    If we started to pull together new episodes, lopping off that end is the way I’d be inclined to go too. Jep and I have a table with various plot points as they roll out over the first season. It’d be a lot of fun to revisit that.
    One of the original ideas, actually, was to open this up to fellow writers, using a show bible as ya say, and a map, so we could get 13 episodes that somehow held together and ended where they were supposed to end. A fun challenge, for sure. But first things first, right? — on to the taping….!

  4. As a fan of Heroes, I strongly endorse the idea of writing a show bible and open-sourcing your plot. The best twists in Heroes came when the regular crew was blocked and someone else came in with, “Um, what if…?”
    Not that that show holds a candle to MLH, of course. Two weeks later, my kids are still singing the theme song and “Snakey” on a daily basis.

  5. Any chance the show was taped-posted on You Tube, something, anything? Feeling very left out here on the right coast. But very happy for your success. Guess I’ll just have to wait for ABC to option it.

  6. xifer — we do have video of the shows, and we’re planning on shooting the whole dang show in an actual office environment next month. Hopefully between all that footage, something will emerge that can be shared with right coast folks and even people who live in the Great Middle Coast….


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