Democrats and Republicans

I was thinking the other day (and as an aside, shouldn’t virtually all blog entries really start that way?), that both the Democratic and Republican parties are driven by the strong desire to learn the lessons of the 1930s — to avoid the catastrophic mistakes that led to World War II. The Republicans are afraid of the U.S. becoming Neville Chamberlain’s England — the infamous appeaser state. Meanwhile, we Democrats are afraid of the U.S. trying really hard to avoid becoming Neville Chamberlain’s England and in the process becoming Germany.
So, basically, we’re afraid of Republicans.
(And this, by the way, is why I heart Obama. My fondest wish for this election is a leader who doesn’t fear or dislike half the country.)
Happy new years to ya,

4 thoughts on “Democrats and Republicans”

  1. Come on. Wake up. There is no difference anymore. The race is a horse race for the elite, a way to get off. It doesn’t matter who wins. The agenda has been layed out. Corporate and centeralized police state, with no currency, and a constant state of war. Obama will be president? A black man? read history and get back to me. Obama is used to funnel money from minorities. They know alot of minorities and women are upset with the way things are so Obama is the carrot in front of the donkey. Promise hope, while more oppression is around the corner.

  2. the lost but growing story is w’s economic disaster, wich will hamper future presidents. reagan+bushes account for a huge percentage of all historical u.s. national debt, now at $9 trillion.
    want to cry tears of economic insanity? read this:
    why the dems can’t explain republican fiscal irresponsibility with simple charts and words is beyond me.


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