Hegel-themed Kraft Cheese Lunchables

I dreamt last night that I was throwing a party and someone brought Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel-themed Kraft Cheese Lunchables.
Der Wikipedia tells us that Hegel (1770-1831) talked about “a relation between nature and freedom, immanence and transcendence, and the unification of these dualities without eliminating either pole or reducing it to the other.”
I’m trying to find the connection my subconscious was drawing between Hegel and Kraft Cheese Lunchables. The best I’ve come up with so far is that Kraft Cheese Lunchables are free from nature. Transcendentally free from nature.

2 thoughts on “Hegel-themed Kraft Cheese Lunchables”

  1. i had to find a link. so, borrowing from ian fraser, hegel differentiates between objective needs (food) and opinions for such (want cheese).
    clearly, hegel channeled you to opine his desire for kraft cheese lunchables.
    there is no other plausible explanation.
    give him cheese!


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